Example sentences for: peacocks

How can you use “peacocks” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In open areas and cages, it has all manner ofbirds, parrots, and peacocks.

  • In open glades, peacocks preen, and shy, tiny barking deer, no taller than the peacocks, race away at an intruder’s approach.

  • Look out for traditional Persian and original Kashmiri motifs such as peacocks and fruit trees, tiger hunts, and Mughal lovers.

  • Talking parrots, peacocks in full display, and cute lemurs will always win hearts.

  • It might pass for deserted, if not for the peacocks and pheasants who inhabit the botanical gardens, and the visitors strolling amidst the palms and rhododendrons.

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