Example sentences for: patriarch

How can you use “patriarch” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Had the Baldwin patriarch lived longer, many speculate, the brothers wouldn't have taken up acting . According to this theory, Alexander was adamant that they become lawyers, and his objections would have stymied their careers.

  • Turin's L a Stampa led its front page with an appeal for peace in Belgrade by the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexis II.

  • Abraham, the first Jewish Patriarch, led his people here in search of “the land of milk and honey”; Jesus Christ was born, lived, ministered, and died here; and Mohammed, the founder of Islam, visited Jerusalem during his heavenly “Night Journey. ”

  • It said the patriarch has criticized NATO but has asked "the leaders of Yugoslavia, like those of the Atlantic alliance, to halt military operations."

  • By passing his stock on to a foundation, rather than to family members themselves, the patriarch could guarantee that it wouldn't be sold by heirs or dispersed over the generations.

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