Example sentences for: pater

How can you use “pater” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While Michelangelo's homosexuality has long been assumed--the Victorian critic Walter Pater wrote of his "vague and wayward loves"--there is no evidence that Cavalieri reciprocated his feelings.

  • In the wake of ecclesiastic scandals involving priests and their young charges, older homosexuals who prefer sex with adolescents are known as pater.

  • Who can, for instance, blame a youth with but a mildly evil disposition from guffawing when he reads in Pater's Marius The Epicurean (Chapter V) a reference to Apuleius' The Golden Ass noting that “all through the book, there is an unmistakably real feeling for asses ...”

  • This latest installment of the "Penguin Lives" series is well received, even though it trails Richard Ellman's definitive 900-page Joyce tome, which was deemed "probably this century's best biography of a writer" (David Kippen, the San Francisco Chronicle ). Undaunted, novelist O'Brien attempts something entirely different: She gives 179 pages of "hardheaded hagiography in which she spends a lot of time knocking Joyce around" (Robert Sullivan, the New York Times Book Review ). It's notable not for its wide net, but for its precision, economy, and insight: "a first-rate appraisal of a master … a model of pristine brevity" (Robert Taylor, the Boston Globe ). One complaint: The book contains an "impressive number of inaccuracies of a factual nature," such as misidentifying the poet laureate of Victorian Ireland and misquoting critic Walter Pater (Thomas Flannagan, the Los Angeles Times ). (This Joyce site has essays, links, and message boards on the author.)

  • Taking the example cited above: otra perouth might be transmogrified Greek for o pater, therapeue `O Father, heal!

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