Example sentences for: pastimes

How can you use “pastimes” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • There's a gender angle here too--female tax dollars paying for male (mostly male) pastimes.

  • There is simply no evidence, Nokes writes, "that Jane Austen considered the curtailment of her former literary pastimes, in favour of visits to the Pump Room, the Assembly Rooms, Sydney Gardens or the theatre, as any form of sacrifice."

  • Listeners were diverted to hear him explain, in answer to a question about his personal life, that his pastimes included “middle-aged antics,” and they must have wondered what innocent japes--or perhaps amorous frolics--the old boy got up to, until they worked out that middle-aged was his very reasonable attempt at translating du moyen age (medieval), and that antics was his Gallic stress pattern for `antiques'.

  • Like the arts and crafts, ancient Malay sports and pastimes are practiced almost exclusively on the East Coast, though you may also see demonstrations elsewhere at cultural centers in KL or Sarawak.

  • The casinos offer familiar international games — baccarat, blackjack, boule, craps, roulette — along with more exotic Chinese pastimes.

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