Example sentences for: password

How can you use “password” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • At this URL, the user may provide additional information; the system will then email an initial password to the user at the selected email account.

  • They were a breeze to enter--a few mouse clicks and a password.

  • It is an extravaganza of witty jokes, brilliant political insights, the startling confessions of five women who claim to have slept with President Clinton in the past week (three of whom say they also slept with Special Prosecutor Ken Starr, one simultaneously), the details of Microsoft's plans to incorporate Puerto Rico into the next generation of its Internet browser, a sonnet in memory of Lloyd Bridges, a special offer for laundry detergent, and a secret password that will get you into the hidden pages of any sadomasochistic site on the Web (with the exception of amazon.com).

  • Second, you register your eBook and get an ID and a password.

  • The user then has the two pieces of information (username and password) necessary to log in and use the CRW Site.

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