Example sentences for: passeggiata

How can you use “passeggiata” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Vacations were spent by the sea or in the mountains; people listened to soothing operas like Puccini’s La Bohème and Madame Butterfly; the first silent-movies of The Last Days of Pompeii and Quo Vadis were made; one could partake in intellectual conversations in open air cafés at the hour of the passeggiata.

  • In each town, at that magic moment of the passeggiata at the end of each afternoon, they stroll across the piazza, find themselves a well-placed seat at their favorite café or stand in groups to argue business, politics, or soccer —  the latter tends to be the most popular subject.

  • The 17th-century palazzi make an exquisite setting for your late afternoon passeggiata along the arcades of shops and cafés, culminating in the graceful symmetry of two Baroque churches, Juvarra’s Santa Cristina and its twin, San Carlo.

  • Almost non-stop throughout the day, but especially at that magic moment of the passeggiata, the Piazza del Duomo is one of the liveliest squares in all of Europe.

  • No Sicilian passeggiata is more celebrated than a promenade on the elegant pedestrian shopping street of Corso Umberto and out along the Via Roma, or through the subtropical vegetation of the terraced Public Gardens.

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