Example sentences for: parliamentary

How can you use “parliamentary” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He negotiated a budget deal with Shas, an ultra-Orthodox party that controls a quarter of the coalition's parliamentary seats, thereby averting Shas' threatened withdrawal from the government.

  • The country’s short history is epitomized by a skyline of solid Victorian parliamentary buildings and a bold modern architecture of office blocks and the new National Gallery.

  • Draper boasted that, in exchange for an extortionate fee, he could: arrange lunches at 10 Downing St. and meetings with top ministers, help the client get appointed to a government advisory board, and obtain early drafts of parliamentary reports related to the client's industry.

  • It's the hair of the enemy that marks him as such, as with the flowing tresses of royalist Cavaliers (effete tyrants) and the cropped hair of parliamentary Roundheads (crude thugs) during the English Civil War.

  • "If Sinn Fein come into the executive this week, something new in the history of our parliamentary democracy will have taken place," the Telegraph said.

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