Example sentences for: paralyze

How can you use “paralyze” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Thus, while additional legislation is needed, it must be crafted in ways that make a revolution in healthcare information possible, and do not paralyze this revolution [ 45 ] . Specifically, it might become extremely difficult to do clinical research if new legislation is too restrictive; to address many issues, access to large populations is critical.

  • An impasse on disarmament could paralyze the two-month-old power-sharing government in Belfast and may ultimately spur the UK to re-impose direct rule.

  • 11) A trial would be too awful because it would paralyze the government and force the Senate to delve into sexual details.

  • The president's "cradle to grave" proposals (Pat Buchanan, The McLaughlin Group ) were likely to paralyze the Republicans, because nobody wants to go on record as being against child care (Paul Gigot, NewsHour ). Unless the Republicans slip out of the sleeper hold, Clinton's two initiatives will serve as "wedge issues" to separate the two parties in the minds of voters for the 1998 election (Tony Blankley, Late Edition ).

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