Example sentences for: parables

How can you use “parables” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • If people would only take it seriously--if they could only understand that when great economic issues are at stake, whimsical parables are not a waste of time but the key to enlightenment--it is a story that could save the world.

  • Some of his earliest still lifes, dating from 1916 to 1918, look like little parables of deprivation: three anorexic herrings on a plate with two forks (why two?)

  • Didion's parables about anomie in post-Kennedy-era America have implied that once history is forgotten, identity dissolves and conspiracy--and the suspicion of it--is the only guide.

  • It's worth remembering that Kundera's sexual parables unfold against a backdrop of totalitarian repression, whereas our own grapple with a more confusing legacy: the counterculture of the '60s and '70s.

  • Sacks' accounts of aphasia or amnesia or autism or Tourette's syndrome provide a certain believe-it-or-not quotient for the lay reader; they also have the force of parables.

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