Example sentences for: papers--the

How can you use “papers--the” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Three Secret Service agents testified before a federal grand jury yesterday, and the surprisingly swift development captured the leads at all three papers--the Washington Post , the New York Times , and the Los Angeles Times . The agents were cleared to testify when Chief Justice William Rehnquist denied a last-ditch DOJ appeal to stay their testimony.

  • All papers--the New York Times , the Washington Post , and the Los Angeles Times --lead with the $850,000 settlement reached Friday between President Clinton and Paula Jones, which will end Jones' 4-1/2 year sexual harassment case against the President.

  • All three papers--the Washington Post , the Los Angeles Times , and the New York Times --lead with the hyperbolic rhetoric of the House prosecutors as they closed their argument on day three of the Senate impeachment trial.

  • All Rupert Murdoch's British papers--the Times , the Sunday Times , the Sun , and the News of the World --are campaigning vigorously against Britain joining the euro, as are Conrad Black's papers the Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Telegraph . But even the British press had to agree with the rest of the world that the launch of the euro, after 40 years of planning, was an historic achievement.

  • All papers--the New York Times , the Los Angeles Times , and the Washington Post --lead with the U.S. economy's surprisingly strong third-quarter growth rate in the face of the world financial crisis.

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