Example sentences for: pants

How can you use “pants” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In an interesting switch on pants-dropping, The New Yorker has on occasion kept in pants but omitted a key top garment.

  • This year as always, Paris fashion has meant fabulous-looking girls slinking along in foot-high hair or plastered-flat hair with grim or giddy hats and stark painted faces, sporting fitted tops, transparent tops, cutout tops, tight skirts slit to here, full skirts trailing to there, floppy pants or skinny pants, trimmings that glitter or flutter, colors that dazzle or puzzle, curled feathers and dyed fur, boiled wool and frosted leather, crushed velvet, shot silk, frayed hemp, and distressed plastic.

  • Pants just can't offer anything quite like it.

  • Pants gave skirts freedom to be outrageous, and up they went to within an inch of the crotch.

  • Those who kiss the Blarney stone are reputed to be able to charm the pants off everyone ever after.

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