Example sentences for: pang

How can you use “pang” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Forgive the luxuriating, but these are probably the most poignant hours of my life I'm talking about--I learn the meaning of the word longing , I learn the meaning of the word pang .

  • But I would also bet that anyone who gets through this book (except, perhaps, for a few economists and Treasury officials) will feel a pang of regret for not taking Pat Buchanan or Ross Perot more seriously last year.

  • Read your lament about Derrick Thomas, the Kansas City linebacker who was left paralyzed yesterday in a car accident, and I felt the same pang you did when I saw the news this morning that he'd been hurt.

  • The Delerue CD is a box of bittersweets: two- or three-minute cues that deftly evoke a mood or a quick pang, and then move on.

  • This pang of modesty soon passes.

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