Example sentences for: panel

How can you use “panel” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The right panel of Figure 2shows the estimated values of these two latent factors for all the 72 samples.

  • In addition, these concentrations of resveratrol markedly increased eNOS expression as early as 6-h, which reached maximum induction at 48-h, and remained substantially elevated at 96-h (panel D).

  • In the wake of the February 1996 Chinese rocket crash, an executive of a Loral subsidiary chaired a panel composed of other satellite manufacturers that reviewed the findings of Chinese investigators.

  • When HPB-ALL cells are plated onto β1 integrin substrate such as fibronectin, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), or even antibodies to α4β1 integrins, they respond by extending pseudopodia and displaying a highly flattened, spread morphology (figure 3, panels 4, 7, and 10, and ref [ 32 ] ). However, electroporation of C3 appeared to alter HPB-ALL morphology resulting in the extension of very fine branched finger-like cellular processes when cells were plated on the β1 integrin substrates Fn (figure 3, panel 6), VCAM-1 (figure 3, panel 9), or a mAb specific for β1 integrins (figure 3, panel 12).

  • See "The Sound of One Hand Talking" for Slate 's take on Franklin and the panel.)

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