Example sentences for: palmitoylated

How can you use “palmitoylated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Notably, this association consisted primarily of the larger form of Rlk which contains the cysteine-string and is palmitoylated.

  • Indeed, we report here that the palmitoylated cysteine-string is responsible for the targeting of Rlk to RAFTs: detergent-insoluble, glycolipid-enriched membrane microdomains that contain many signaling molecules, including Src family kinases.

  • Since the long form of Rlk is palmitoylated on its cysteine string motif and palmitoylated proteins can be associated with RAFTs, we examined the localization of a mutant version of RlkCM in which the cysteine string is mutated, thereby preventing palmitoylation of the long form of Rlk.

  • Furthermore, we have found that an internal translational start-site, downstream of the region encoding the cysteine-string motif, gives rise to a second isoform that lacks the palmitoylated cysteine string and that can be localized in the nucleus [ 19].

  • No palmitoylation of sα i2 was detected (Figure 6A, lane 3), although α i2 was strongly palmitoylated (Figure 6A, lane 2).

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