Example sentences for: pallas

How can you use “pallas” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The fate of Pallas constitutes a major motif in Vergil's Aeneid .

  • The adjacent Palatine Hill, which was eventually reserved for imperial structures (whence our words palace and palatial ), was derived from the name of Pallas , son of Evander, a Greek who according to epic tradition settled on the site of Rome centuries before its “real” founding.

  • Soon thereafter, several other prominent scientists of the eighteenth century, including Abraham Trembley, Charles Bonnet, Peter Simon Pallas, and Lazzaro Spallanzani, discovered remarkable regenerative abilities in a variety of organisms.

  • Hydra, earthworms, and planarians could regenerate their heads and tails (Pallas 1766; Lenhoff and Lenhoff 1986); salamanders could regenerate their limbs, tails, and jaws; premetamorphic frogs and toads could regenerate their tails and legs; slugs could regenerate their horns; and snails could regenerate their heads (Spallanzani 1769).

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