Example sentences for: pakistan

How can you use “pakistan” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Not the U.S. president, since India and Pakistan have been at each other's throats since "Bill Clinton was in knickers," says Margaret Carlson ( Capital Gang ). Novak disagrees: Clinton, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan share equal blame for treating Pakistan shabbily since the end of the war in Afghanistan.

  • Upon completing the advanced training at Mes Aynak, Hazmi, Khallad, and Abu Bara went to Karachi, Pakistan.

  • Today they often share the Olympic finals with their old arch-rivals, Pakistan.

  • The rebels expanded, too, receiving political support from the Pakistan and Afghanistan governments, and manpower and money from Muslim groups in those nations.

  • The USA Today lead about this story emphasizes the concerns of U.S. officials that the verdict could lead to more terrorism against Americans, especially in light of yesterday's murders in Pakistan.

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