Example sentences for: painful

How can you use “painful” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • That sort of thing generally entails a coach or an east regional sales manager exhorting you to do something pointless, painful, or profitable to someone else.

  • Costly error or painful recriminations lie on either side of my position.

  • "It is actually very painful for us to see people come into this office having paid $400, $500, $600 to someone to prepare paperwork that is badly done," said Popp. "

  • I imagine there are gazillions of conservatives for whom it's incredibly painful that Monica's boyfriend got to be the one to usher in the Third Millennium.

  • After the painful experience of the American Revolution, the EIC conducting business from the islands of Penang and Singapore epitomized the British policy of insulating colonies from local politics.

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