Example sentences for: paddles

How can you use “paddles” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • More questionable are the bits where he paddles casually through a tub of preserved viscera from some long-gone sufferer from situs inversus (mirror-reversed organs) and succumbs to laughter at the sight of Ditto, the amazing two-faced pig.

  • "What's most troubling about this witless mishmash of whiny, infantile philosophizing and bone-crunching violence is the increasing realization that it actually thinks it's saying something of significance" (Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times ). Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times derides it as a "frankly and cheerfully fascist big-star movie," labels the violence "macho porn," and frets that though "sensible people know that if you hit someone with an ungloved hand hard enough, you're going to end up with broken bones, the guys in Fight Club have fists of steel, and hammer one another while the sound effects guys beat the hell out of Naugahyde sofas with Ping-Pong paddles."

  • The shrine’s renowned Treasure House is one of the newest structures here, with wooden plaques in the shape of rice paddles reflecting the importance of rice in Shinto — and, by definition, Japanese — culture.

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