Example sentences for: packing

How can you use “packing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • USA Today and the Washington Post each put the ruble inside and go instead with the likely coming ashore today in the Carolinas of Hurricane Bonnie, packing 115 mph winds across an extremely broad front.

  • For example, the vacuolar metrics (area % vacuoles and vacuoles/mm 2) have genes uniquely correlated with each, demonstrating a potential genetic basis for the difference between the number and size of vacuoles and their density, or packing.

  • At our kitchen confab (which would probably, I'm sorry to say, take place not around the table--since many single people live in apartments where the kitchen is the size of a linen closet--but around the counter), I might suggest that the first lady ask Janet Reno or Donna Shalala if they ever feel stressed out or over-committed, even though they aren't "packing lunches, dropping the kids off at school, and going to work."

  • Perhaps it reflects especially tight packing among helices in transporters, permitting the Cα-H.

  • (After packing the Supreme Court, Roosevelt had his little dog Fala roasted on a spit in the Rose Garden, if memory serves.

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