Example sentences for: oxymoronic

How can you use “oxymoronic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Through it all, he prescribed spontaneity, an oxymoronic endeavor if ever there was one.

  • But if Hurt has the kind of visage we normally associate with dissipation, few actors are able to combine such bleariness with such (oxymoronic) concentration.

  • Malcolm cannot resist her--he has a sweet tooth that forever betrays him--but he finds her oxymoronic style hard to bear.

  • Is it the fondness for executions--half of the nation's last year--the Civil War, the border patrol, the oxymoronic phrase "compassionate conservatism," the sweaty midnight memories of the Bush-Quayle administration, that paunch on John Wayne in The Alamo ? Is it just metropolitan prejudice, the Southern thing but with cattle?

  • Most of all, it was a competition in truth-telling (or falsifying), a Cold War duel in credibility occurring amid a mounting pileup of classified information, exposés, and oxymoronic jargon that would eventually donate euphemistic doublespeak terms like "dual hegemony," "limited nuclear war," and the slogan "win the peace" to the American language.

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