Example sentences for: oxygen-derived

How can you use “oxygen-derived” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In type 1 diabetes, it has been shown that inflammatory cytokines play a central role in the destruction of insulin producing β-cells [ 17 18 19 ] , resulting in the production of oxygen-derived free radicals that induce DNA-damage and apoptosis in both rodent and human β-cells [ 20 21 22 23 24 25 ] . In both type 1 and type 1, as well as, type 2 diabetes, the role of free radicals in diabetic complications is well studied.

  • inhibition of apoptosis and improvementof LV function) are mediated, in part, by its prevention of oxygen-derived freeradical damage [ 35 40 ] . Our data supportsthis idea.

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