Example sentences for: overused

How can you use “overused” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But even at his most glibly nihilistic, in A Clockwork Orange , Kubrick foresaw the punk movement in a way that makes the overused term visionary seem an understatement.

  • This chunky little device, which weighs just under a pound and a half, actually deserves that overused epithet "revolutionary," because it has the power to change something as basic to human civilization as the way people read.

  • The cab of taxicab is from cabriolet , a light passenger cart; and hack is hackney coach , a coach for hire, hackney or hack being a hired horse and by extension anything shoddy and overused, whence hack-word and hackneyed phrases.

  • The most overused, overworked, hackneyed word in the cliche-ridden vocabulary of pols and their speechwriters, D.C. bureaucrats, think-tank thinkers, pundits and even lowly working reporters condemned to write about legislation and policy making.

  • Mundell's work is so central to that field, so "seminal"--an overused term that really applies here--that on many disputed issues his ideas are the basis for both sides of the debate.

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