Example sentences for: overshadow

How can you use “overshadow” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Their primary (stated) goal - to determine the cause of the patient's confusion - appeared to overshadow concerns for pain relief.

  • But like the German newspaper Die Welt, which titled its editorial "An Historic Day," Le Monde said the compromise shouldn't overshadow history.

  • For many years it was the longest bridge in the world, and the huge structure seems to overshadow the town, which sits on the banks of the river below.

  • 1) The Lewinsky scandal may overshadow the State of the Union, one of Clinton's last chances to "set out a distinctive programme for government."

  • These pages overshadow the contents of the biography in news coverage of the book, but those who do comment call it "superb" (Laura Shapiro, Newsweek ). (This page of Anne Frank-related links includes one to Catherine Bernard's essay "Anne Frank: the Cultivation of the Inspirational Victim."

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