Example sentences for: overpowering

How can you use “overpowering” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the big picture, however, overpowering scents are a burgeoning problem, and Prudie shares your discomfort.

  • Her heart filled with an overpowering love for him, but she was puzzled when he leered, "It matches the silver of the cigar box."

  • However, their cumulative effect tends to be overpowering.

  • The cathedral, found at the very center of the forest of pillars, presents an overpowering contrast to its immediate surroundings.

  • Compare Rembrandt Natural and Rembrandt With Baking Soda: The baking soda paste is not overpowering, but it bites just enough to let you know it's there.

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