Example sentences for: overlords

How can you use “overlords” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Instead, he's a lone and often belated moralist, eaten up with remorse and anxiety, pushed into unsavory experimentation less by runaway curiosity than by unscrupulous corporate overlords.

  • The next two centuries were characterized by unrest and repeated attempts by the Irish to rid themselves of their Norman overlords.

  • And, when another approach seemed called for, some of Jameses' neighbors or overlords started sticking on the pejorative suffixes -azzo, -accio, -asso , and their variants, as in Mazzo and Giacomasso .

  • At this time, California was not considered a particularly attractive proposition by its Spanish overlords.

  • An editorial published this week entitled "Media Self-Love-in" argues that the "pundit overlords" are sympathetic to John McCain and Bill Bradley for just this reason.

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