Example sentences for: overload

How can you use “overload” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • These patients may have coexisting total body volume overload and intravascular volume depletion.

  • Two highly conserved responses are observed under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress; the ER overload and unfolded protein responses [ 24 25 ] . The unfolded protein response is characterized by generalized suppression of protein synthesis and the specific induction of ER-resident proteins and GADD153 [ 24 ] . The transcription factor nuclear factor kB is activated during the ER overload response, leading to the downstream induction of pro-inflammatory proteins [ 25 ] . Therefore, the transcriptional modulation of GADD153 and IkB by mefloquine suggests that the ER might be a target of the drug.

  • The first, the ER overload response, triggers the activation of the transcription factor NFkB and the subsequent upregulation of inflammatory proteins [ 13 ] . The second, the unfolded protein response (UPR) induces three divergent cellular events: (i) the activation of transcription factor ATF6 leading to the upregulation of ER chaperones such as protein disulfide isomerase, (ii) upregulation of the pro-apoptotic transcription factor GADD153 and (iii) suppression of protein synthesis via phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) by pancreatic eIF2α kinase (PEK/PERK, [ 11 12 ] ). Upregulation of the ER chaperones, GADD153 and PERK in response to a toxic insult would constitute direct evidence of an ER stress response.

  • The tabs, suffering from an overload of nostalgia, read like magazines one might have thumbed through while waiting backstage at the Mike Douglas or Merv Griffin shows.

  • Iron deficiency has also been shown to lead to ventricular hypertrophy in developing rats [ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ] . While the mechanisms responsible for this hypertrophy have received little research attention, studies have documented an eccentric hypertrophic pattern [ 15 16 17 ] which has led investigators to suspect a ventricular volume overload at end diastole as a primary hypertrophic stimulus.

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