Example sentences for: overhauling

How can you use “overhauling” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the current climate of scarce resources, LSC must remain committed to pursuing bold new approaches that foster effective legal assistance to low-income clients, including overhauling service areas adjudged to be insufficiently responsive to the tenets of State Planning.

  • College mathematicians are overhauling the undergraduate math curriculum now recommended by the Mathematical Association of America.

  • In other states, the very development and implementation of such initiatives may require overhauling or establishing new organizational relationships and service areas.

  • At the New York Times the lead is word that GOP leaders are talking about radically overhauling the tax code.

  • The Wall Street Journal runs a front-page feature reporting that China's leaders are responding to the general Asian downturn by putting off opening up their financial and currency markets and by overhauling the country's central bank.

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