Example sentences for: overblown

How can you use “overblown” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • I really think that we ought to do it, because I think it's far overblown to think that the fact that people buy over the Internet is going to reduce mainstream USA.

  • A few dissenters--such as Fox's Juan Williams--argue that Waco's importance is overblown.

  • It looks bad: cluttered surfaces, production design reminiscent of overblown Broadway musicals, editing too fast for the eye to catch up, poor staging of fast action.

  • He set up a magazine, Vuelta , to pursue intellectual inquiry free of the Mexican left's more overblown rhetoric.

  • However, while I agree that security is a serious issue, I reiterate that the hysterics with which security stories are played out in the media are generally overblown.

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