Example sentences for: outnumbered

How can you use “outnumbered” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the final struggle for Québec, the courageous French military commander, Marquis de Montcalm, led outnumbered troops to a victory at Ticonderoga.

  • Though outnumbered, the Scots gained a famous victory and sent the English packing.

  • Cloning will merely present nervous Caucasian men with the means to attempt to ensure that they aren't outnumbered by those threatening masses of other races on what they consider their own territory.

  • Joe Morgenstern, the Wall Street Journal ) are outnumbered by the detractors ("hopelessly overwrought and deeply dopey," Richard Schickel, Time ), who say 1) it's not remotely scary; 2) the sarcasm and self-conscious irony grow tiresome; 3) it's permeated with anti-Arab racism; and 4) the mummy isn't a real mummy, he's "a mutating Industrial Light and Magic Special Effect" (David Edelstein,

  • At the Monasteri de Lluc, Mallorca’s most revered place of pilgrimage, foreign visitors are for once frequently outnumbered by locals.

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