Example sentences for: outlining

How can you use “outlining” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • An outstanding figure of this time was Prince Shotoku, who in 604 developed the “Seventeen-Article Constitution,” outlining a code of human conduct and the ideals of state as a basic law for the nation.

  • Just regarding the complaint about reliance on girlfriends, though, Prudie suggests you have a loooong and serious heart-to-heart with your wife, outlining your disturbance with her choices.

  • The trial's biggest revelation was that Harris and Klebold had made a videotape outlining their plan, thanking those who had helped them obtain the necessary weapons, and assuring future viewers that they were acting alone without anyone else's knowledge.

  • We pull back into space, and the spinning globe morphs into a basketball, the stars around it outlining a player and a hoop.

  • Grantees were required to submit reports outlining their state plans by October 1, 1998.

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