Example sentences for: ou

How can you use “ou” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Phil Gramm, R-Texas, argued, whereas if the money goes to tax cuts, "[y]ou could get it back by raising taxes."

  • "[Y]ou might wonder whether 15 or 20 pages of [script] ...

  • [Y]ou will not access or use, or permit others to access or use, this website for (1) print, video or audio publication, broadcast, retransmission or any newmedia use [italics Chatterbox's] . ...

  • Total M. paratuberculosis genomic DNA was isolated and randomly sheared using a nebulizer and compressed nitrogen according to protocols developed by Bruce Roe's laboratory http://www.genome.ou.edu.

  • “Ce n'est pas une question de jumbo frankfurter ou de ne pas jumbo frankfurter ,” said Ministry Director Gaston-Fenelon de la Rue Saugrenue.

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