Example sentences for: others

How can you use “others” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In this case, shareholders can pay twice for the sins of others.

  • By all accounts, the two men did not meet again until 1948, when Chambers denounced Hiss, among others, to the FBI and the House Un-American Activities Committee.

  • Or I might simply be expressing that abortion is a less urgent issue for me than others.

  • Capitalizing on a truth that has long stabilized cigarette marketing and sales--namely, that if you're going to hook new smokers, you have to catch 'em young--it is one of several spots, some more controversial than others, that attack smoking.

  • African Americans were part of the public, and they should be entitled, as a matter of equality with others, to have access to public transport, theaters, and hotel accommodations.

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