Example sentences for: oswald

How can you use “oswald” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Consider Lee Harvey Oswald, whose “L--d” becomes LD , medical jargon for `lethal dose.

  • The even-handed, Continental use of Maria never caught on in Britain, but the dual Evelyn was already established, as was Leslie/Lesley . In America, Lee made no distinctions: Lee Radziwill, Remick, J. Cobb, and Harvey Oswald.

  • The Russian files on Lee Harvey Oswald that Boris Yeltsin gave to Bill Clinton earlier this year became available at the National Archives yesterday, and the WP has a look.

  • Ruby / Oswald Murder!

  • Many people refuse to accept James Earl Ray's guilt (or Lee Harvey Oswald's in JFK's assassination) because they can't accept that one insignificant lowlife could topple a hero and alter history.

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