Example sentences for: orwellian

How can you use “orwellian” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The period between 1959 and 1965 was a surreal time of government by means of slogans and Orwellian acronyms.

  • One could write a longish essay on the allusions conjured up by the words Dickensian, Kafkaesque , and Orwellian , yet none of these (among thousands of others) are represented.

  • So, it may seem a little thing, but imbued with the Orwellian desire to combat imprecise language that makes lies sound truthful and murder respectable, "Today's Papers" would urge the WP to rewrite such stories thus: "..

  • He described a new pamphlet by Blair on "The Third Way" as "potentially even revolutionary"--"either breathtaking, or sinisterly Orwellian, or both, depending on your point of view."

  • After that, we're in an Orwellian 1984 that's presided over by a vaguely fascist president and by arena rockers who serve as propagandists for a repressively conformist state.

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