Example sentences for: orgasm

How can you use “orgasm” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Conservative Protestant women, their 1994 survey found, report by far the most orgasms: Thirty-two percent say they achieve orgasm every time they make love.

  • Twenty years before Masters and Johnson, for example, he discovered that, contrary to the then-dominant view, the great majority of women experienced not vaginal but clitoral orgasm.

  • I haven't had a good Orgasm for a long time!

  • Of course, Woody Allen captured this idea perfectly in Bananas , in the scene where he buys a pile of intellectual journals, and tries to slip a copy of a pornographic magazine in with them, only to have the shop owner holler, "Hey Harry, how much for a copy of Orgasm ?" Later, Allen sits on the subway, gazing at the offending item, which he has neatly tucked into the latest edition of Commentary , with an article by Irving Kristol on the cover (another favorite Woody Allen line, of course, comes in Annie Hall , when he quips that Dissent and Commentary have merged to form a new magazine called Dysentery-- I was probably one of the few 11-year-olds to laugh at that one).

  • Forty-three percent (n = 9) of TAH patients experienced a decrease in the ability to achieve orgasm compared with 6% (n = 2) of SCH patients.

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