Words similar to on-
Example sentences for: on-
How can you use “on-” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
The fifth agency we report on-OPM-downsized significantly during the 1990s.
If you miss it, look out for the Outhouse-On-Wheels race at the beginning of September.
Federal Acquisition Regulation: www.ARNet.gov/far/ Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office: www.caio.gov Federal Computer Incident Response Capability: www.fedcirc.gov Federal Information Processing Standards: www.itl.nist.gov General Accounting Office: http://www.gao.gov/ GSA«s Policyworks: www.policyworks.gov IT Policy On-Ramp: www.itpolicy.gsa.gov National Partnership for Reinventing Government: www.npr.gov Office of Management and Budget Homepage: www.whitehouse.gov/omb
Our sample size was small because focus groups and 1-on-1 interviews were originally conducted to discuss HRT and decision-making issues.
B enchm arked by U .S . C o sts and V o lu m es w ith 25% of N on-D elivery Institutional C osts L ong-R un V ariab le