Example sentences for: odors

How can you use “odors” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the enlarged processing capacity for perceiving and discriminating odors, language plays a critical role.

  • Concurrently, the use of an arboreal habitat and the adoption of an erect posture moved the nose away from the ground, with its rich varieties of odors.

  • Odors are hardly presentable on a physical continuum (like the wavelength of light); they are multidimensional entities that can vary from small gaseous molecules to long-chained hydrocarbons [25,26].

  • When tested for thresholds to the odors of a series of straight-chain (aliphatic) aldehydes, dogs do better on the short chain compounds, but humans perform as well or slightly better than dogs on the longer chain compounds, and humans perform significantly better than rats (Laska et al.

  • It has been hypothesized that these odor images provide the basis for discrimination between odors, analogous to the way that retinal images are the basis for discrimination of visual pattern stimuli.

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