Example sentences for: odorant

How can you use “odorant” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A mixture of two molecules differing only in carbon chain length would be perceived as indistinguishable from a single odorant with an intermediate carbon chain length.

  • Each receptor recognizes multiple odorants, and each odorant binds to multiple receptors to generate specific activation patterns for each of a vast number of distinct smells [ 10].

  • These micro-relays sum up the input from same chemoreceptors, tremendously increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, and thus facilitating reliable odorant detection [26].

  • Certain sequences underwent multiple recent duplications, resulting in large species specific sequence families, such as the C. elegans seven-transmembrane proteins acting as odorant and chemosensory receptors [ 19 20 ] . For query sequences belonging to such sequence families, orthologs (if present) are less effective for predicting specific information.

  • Taking into account the high observed sequence variability (Figures 2, 4) in additional OR domains known to be involved in ligand recognition in other G-protein-coupled receptors [ 46, 47], such as TM6 and extracellular loops, that model may not be sufficient to provide a complete description of odorant binding specificity determinants.

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