Example sentences for: octogenarian

How can you use “octogenarian” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Nearby, just outside the ancient wall, the area in front of the railroad station has been named Piazzale dei Partigiani . Luigi Einaudi, the patriarch of postwar Italian politics, President of the Republic from 1948 to 1955, when he was an octogenarian, has the unusual honor of a street named for him in the heart of the city, near the central railway station.

  • Earlier today, when Chatterbox first attempted to phone Felt (now an octogenarian living in California with his daughter Joan), he got an answering machine.

  • The octogenarian Templeton has always been a devout Christian.

  • He can do brilliant, crusty octogenarian senior partners.

  • A persistent octogenarian might convince a younger couple to have his clone and raise it, but that is not much different from fathering a child via a surrogate mother.

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