Example sentences for: octagonal

How can you use “octagonal” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos, another church closer to the castle, has an octagonal shape that reflects the influence of the architecture of the Knights Templar, and the remarkable dome is covered in beautiful 17th-century azulejos.

  • The two squares are separated by the 12th-century cathedral and 13th-century octagonal baptistery.

  • The octagonal construction provides the interior with seven exedrae, or recesses, the eighth being the choir and apse.

  • The Piazza del Duomo forms a harmonious space for the graceful octagonal baptistery, begun in 1196, and the austere nobility of the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral and its 13th-century campanile.

  • Now the pier has been lengthened to an impressive 440 m (nearly a quarter of a mile), and an octagonal pavilion lies at the far end.

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