Example sentences for: occurrencies

How can you use “occurrencies” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While it is acknowledged that such a method would not work well for books, the idea was that the number of occurrencies of a lemma (a technical though convenient term for the `thing--word or phrase--under study'), multiplied by, say the Audit Bureau of Circulation sworn circulation of a periodical would yield a figure that could legitimately be called its Exposure . Obviously, such a number would be far too large to manipulate readily, so, using a formula familiar to statisticians, it was normalized to produce a simple decimal number of only a few digits which I called the lemma's Exposure Index . The purpose of the exercise was to connect the frequency information with the language as it is used and perceived; in addition, the approach would serve to eliminate from consideration those materials which, though published, were little read, with a consequent low influence on the lexicon.

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