Example sentences for: generousassociates

How can you use “generousassociates” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Just as important, a program such as the one featured on generousassociates relies on the generosity of those same lawyers who may be more focused on the issues found at greedyassociates.

  • The ultimate success of generousassociates or any other cause supported by the legal profession depends, in part, upon the financial success of the lawyers and law firms who support those causes.

  • Immediately following the site greedyassociates.com appeared the antithetically named site generousassociates.com.

  • Generousassociates is a Washington, D.C.-based Web site that enables lawyers to make a donation to the Legal Aid Society of D.C.

  • Although 2002 was a difficult year for lawyers, the more than 1600 associates who donated to generousassociates are another testament to the profession's generosity.

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