Example sentences for: gene-level

How can you use “gene-level” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In contrast to gene-level comparisons, there is no tendency for exons from predicted genes to fail K a /K s tests relative to exons from known genes.

  • All pairwise gene-level comparisons studied here exhibited K a /K s ratios less than one (see Supplementary Table 1 in the Additional data files section).

  • As with gene-level comparisons, the most closely related species, D. erecta , fails the highest proportion of exon-level K a /K s tests.

  • Genomic sequences for six of the nine genes which fail the K a /K s test at the gene level were sampled in more divergent species: four of these six genes could be identified in more divergent species ( Lmpt, CG10887, CG14292 , and CG4468 ), whereas two could not ( CG12378 and CG14294 ), indicating that genes conserved in divergent species can fail gene-level K a /K s tests in comparisons among closely related species like D. erecta . Of the four genes identified only in D. melanogaster and D. erecta and not in more distantly related species, two pass CG12133 and CG13029 ) and two fail ( CG12378 and CG14294 ) the gene-level K a /K s test.

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