Example sentences for: gene-gene

How can you use “gene-gene” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the first stage of analysis, we posed the following question:Is GPNN able to model gene-gene interactions as well or better thana traditional BPNN?

  • First, we used a fully connected, feed-forwardBPNN to model gene-gene interactions in the simulated data containingfunctional SNPs only.

  • To evaluate the relationships between gene interaction (gene-gene) and interaction between inherited susceptibility (genotype) and environmental exposures (e.g.

  • As discussed by Templeton [ 1 ] ,epistasis, or gene-gene interaction occurs when the combined effectof two or more genes on a phenotype could not have been predictedfrom their independent effects.

  • Theseresults demonstrate the high power of GPNN in comparison to a BPNNwhen attempting to detect gene-gene interactions in the presenceof non-functional SNPs.

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