Example sentences for: gene-coding

How can you use “gene-coding” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • We show that, once several factors were addressed, such as sequencing error detection and discrimination between closely related genes, a high-throughput pipeline could be developed that allows large numbers of gene-coding regions from QTL intervals to be rapidly compared in silico and interstrain allelic sequence differences quickly identified and targeted for further hypothesis-driven analyses.

  • While the present study focused on QTL gene-coding region comparisons because of their potential functional importance [ 5], it should be pointed out that gene-regulatory regions, which are also of considerable functional importance and have been shown to underlie some QTLs [ 34, 35], can be studied in the same way.

  • Another feature of the approach described here is that it not only rapidly identifies gene variants within QTL intervals but, because it will find many genes that are unchanged between strains, can also quickly eliminate large numbers of gene-coding regions as possible candidates underlying the QTL.

  • While other studies have mined EST databases to detect SNPs [ 19], the work presented here is the first demonstration of the use of strain-specific genome sequence databases to discover gene-coding variants for murine QTLs.

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