Example sentences for: earned

How can you use “earned” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Britain's involvement in the Iraqi airstrikes earned it little more than condemnation and condescension.

  • One father informed the FEC that his daughter earned the money for her $1,000 contribution from raising vegetables (cucumbers and onions, specifically).

  • The employer and employee contributions are generally calculated in the same way; the employee contribution is not earned by the social insurance program; and the benefits are generally calculated in the same way.

  • In the Byzantine, languorous U.N. bureaucracy, Annan earned a reputation as someone who actually Got Things Done.

  • The World War II people won a war (two wars, one on each side of the world) then felt they had earned riches, comfort, a homogenous society, everlasting youthful looks, the right to never die, the right to never being questioned with the corresponding right to never being wrong, etc.

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