Example sentences for: early-born

How can you use “early-born” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Genetic disruption of Delta-Notch signaling causes precursors to prematurely terminate cell division and differentiate as early-born neurons, with identities appropriate to their cell body positions, at the expense of later born neurons and glia.

  • We also show that in dlA mutant embryos neural precursor cells prematurely cease dividing and differentiate as early-born neurons with identities appropriate for their positions within the spinal cord and that mutant embryos have reduced numbers of late-born neurons and glia.

  • In other words, early-born neurons are specified appropriately in dlA dx2 mutant embryos; what these embryos lack is the ability to regulate the number of cells specified for any particular fate.

  • Second, the progenitors for cell types that normally arise late might instead develop identities appropriate for early-born cell types, resulting in an excess of some cell types and reduction of others.

  • Similarly, expression of dominant negative Delta proteins caused formation of excess early-born neurons in the retina of frog [ 24] and chick [ 20] and in the neural plate of frog [ 25] and zebrafish [ 26, 27, 28], concomitant with decreased cell proliferation [ 20] and reduced numbers of late-born neurons [ 28].

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