Example sentences for: dubious

How can you use “dubious” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The story seems oversold (by the SEC and by the NYT ): The paper reports that nearly half the violations resulted from complications relating to the merger that created the firm, and no examples are given of firm audits that were in any way rendered dubious by prima facie investment conflicts.

  • Mayakovsky's scowling, angular, shaven-headed poetic boxer's mug was a dramatic advertising image unto itself, and Rodchenko's six portraits of him made him an icon (to be recycled endlessly in Soviet propaganda after Mayakovsky's dubious 1930 suicide, an act which even if self-willed was certainly nudged along by the state).

  • The story he tells is really about performing a kind of jujitsu with his own personality, channeling his dubious personal qualities--his bullying, his egomania, and his impatient ambition--toward the noble (and perhaps Nobel) end of peace in the Balkans.

  • An embattled Clinton is prone not just to play the demagogue on Medicare but also to promote dubious IRS reforms and climb aboard a new Communications Decency Act.

  • Newsweek 's dubious list of recent home schoolees: Jessica DuBroff, the 7-year-old pilot whose plane crashed; Rebecca Sealfon, the national spelling bee champion with bizarre social tics; and Hanson, the teen-idol pop group with great hair.

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