Example sentences for: drummed

How can you use “drummed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Television and radio networks aired a relentless parade of fond reminiscences about Nixon, news anchors drummed home the now-familiar lines about his comeback (again creating the fact they were ostensibly just reporting), and the eulogies at the funeral itself never once mentioned Watergate.

  • At this point, these come mostly as correctives to what's been drummed into our heads by countless bios and Time-Life specials.

  • His book is crammed full of stray data he has disinterred about Dalí's Catalan ancestors, his sexual obsessions, and infighting within the Surrealist movement, which Dalí was eventually drummed out of for his pro-fascist sentiments.

  • full stop —after the Mrs or you'll be drummed out of the corps.)

  • He was drummed out by André Breton after two years--nearly all members were expelled sooner or later--but Breton eventually repented, calling him a "man of prodigies" and perhaps the truest surrealist of all.

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