Example sentences for: drudge

How can you use “drudge” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • On the web, you give up all your responsibility to the invisible hand of the net (see Matt Drudge).

  • When, not if, the next Linda Tripp comes to me with an amazing story that I know in my heart and gut is true, I will simply bypass the agonizing mainstream media, the doubting Thomases and whiners, and go directly to Matt Drudge.

  • Television -- Drudge (Fox).

  • Is Drudge Done?

  • The latest Drudge Report rightly reminds that Dowd hasn't always worn white gloves to the keyboard: "Weren't you the one," he asks, "who wrote about Nancy Reagan allegedly having an affair with Frank Sinatra in the White House--on the front page of the New York Times ?" Drudge could have added that unlike the "dirt" he has dished on Clinton this year, Dowd's Nancy/Frank story has never been substantiated.

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